live a life designed by you

through a unique blend of business consulting and personal coaching

what is it?

Receive dedicated business support to structure what you have lovingly created, ensuring you are consistently working ‘on’ your business.

Through personal coaching gain clarity on your personal needs, build practices and habits that enable you to show up and be fully present in all your roles in life.

who is it for?

Founders, business owners and solopreneurs seeking change.

Those brave enough to have poured your heart and soul into a solo venture.

Amidst the hustle, you find yourself drowning in your creation, feeling overwhelmed and unsupported.

You are losing passion for that which once drove you. Your mind constantly carrying the burden of past decisions and future concerns.

This spills into your personal life, leading to tension and disconnection at home.

You know there is another way.

You know change is needed.

You are unsure where or how to start.

what’s the challenge you are facing?

We've been conditioned to believe that achieving business success requires sacrificing ourselves.

When a business grows organically you can find yourself trapped working 'in' the business, wearing multiple hats and tackling endless issues.

You perceive this as the normal, convinced it's the only way forward.

When this pressure spills into your personal life, it becomes challenging to remain fully present with those closest to you.

You convince yourself that grappling with these challenges is a privilege, considering others endure more hardship for less.

Yet, these struggles often lead to a negative mindset, neglecting self-care, and an adoption of behaviors that conceal your stress.

It doesn't have to be this way.

You can create freedom.

You can shift your perspective.

You have the power to live a life designed by you.

the outcome we can create

how does it work?

how I can help?

I am here to be 'in your corner'.

I will listen and hold space to understand where you are in business and life, how and where they intersect.

the business

I will work with you to structure, plan and organise what you have created. We will focus on three vital pillars to ensure you consistently work ‘on’ not stuck ‘in’:

  • The Direction - clarity on where you are going and how you are going to get there.

  • The People - ensuring you and your team have the tools to ‘know they are doing a good job’.

  • The Numbers - confidence and knowledge in forecasting, planning & budgeting to enable informed decision making.

the personal

I will support you to challenge old narratives, develop a new outlook on life and re-discover you. We will build habits & practices around:

  • Your needs - when you needs are met, you will be energised and feel unstoppable.

  • Your time & space - learn to set boundaries for guilt free time for you, enabling you to show up positively in all your roles in life.

  • Your understanding & empathy - build awareness of your behaviors and feelings, as well as those of people around you.

All to live a life designed by you.

you can work with me:

  • Your Away Day

    The day you always promise yourself, but never take.

    Commit time, away from the day to day, that is focused upon working ‘on’ your business, not feeling stuck ‘in’ your business.

    Connect with, learn from, share ideas and challenges with other founders, business owner and solopreneurs.

    Receive 1:1 consulting & coaching from your host Joel to help move you forward.

    The day has been carefully curated to allow you to simply show up and…

    Be in the moment by spending time in the Sussex countryside.

    Find inspiration in the soulful and peaceful surroundings of the old flint barn.

    Feel nourished by lovingly prepared local seasonal organic food.

    Next dates:

    Thursday 7th November

    Tuesday 3rd December

  • Accountability & Prioritisation

    Short and impactful 1:1 consulting & coaching sessions with Joel.

    Designed for those feeling stuck ‘in’ the business with zero time but a need to feel seen and supported in decision making.

    You arrive with a challenge, question or subject field.

    We will delve deeper to find a root cause, discuss potential solutions and courses of action.

    Leave with clarity on:

    Which are the quick and effective next steps to be taken.

    Which experiments to run to learn from.

    When exactly you will take the above actions with committed time planned.

    All plans are debriefed in the following session.

    Typically these are monthly sessions done online or in person, lasting 1 to 2 hours.

  • Discovery Day

    Be supported in pausing and dedicating time to calmly and clearly reviewing the landscape you find yourself in.

    A whole day of focused 1:1 business consulting and personal coaching from Joel.

    Working through a business & life health check to answer the below questions:

    Where are you today?

    Where do you desire to be?

    What is in the way?

    Be in the moment, surrounded by nature, walking and talking. Inspired by the surroundings old flint barn and nourished by organic local food.

    Take away a clear list of agreed actions to be to move you towards your desired future.

    Booked as a one off day or the launch of a ‘strategy & action’ partnership.

  • Strategy & Action

    Work with Joel as your business partner & personal coach.

    Joel will do the work alongside you to ensure you feel fully understood, heard and are ultimately supported in making well informed decisions.

    Keeping at the heart of the strategy a plan enabling you to consistently work ‘on’ your business.

    Often with a focus on the following three areas:

    Gain clarity on the business vision and purpose.

    Learn skills and tools to lead your team.

    Know and understand forecasting, budgeting and the numbers

    Alongside the business, personal coaching is constantly provided to shift your mindset to one of potential and opportunity through building new habits and practices.

    Create a life designed by you

    Typically done over a minimum 3 months.

    Each month ranging from 4 to 16 hours depending on the founder needs.

what founders & business owners are saying



“Joel has a calming presence. His skill lies in his empathy, ability to listen and play back a problem or challenge as if through a filter, providing clarity of thought.

Our work together has resulted in me having more freedom, clarity and permission to pursue other endeavours which are close to my heart”

Field Food


“In the first year of running a business it’s all too easy to get consumed by it and we were starting to feel burnt out.

Joel really helped us to see the importance of taking time for ourselves.

Having a clear business structure and plan means that we are more focused and making better use of our time

Henry Turner

Flint Barn

Circus Studio

Jo Connolly

“I had become stuck, in fear, and in a practical sense. Joel helped simplify things, and created practical procedures which I use to mange and lead my business.

It has given me confidence that I am running my business with insight and a plan for the future

Ordinarily Different


“I was tired and fed up, my business, it felt like a burden. I now have greater energy, the fire is back.

Sessions with Joel make me feel lighter, clearer and full of possibility. It is like having an unbiased advocate for my business desires and decisions.

Joel was able to help piece together talents and skills of mine that I had not connected before and joined up the dots. I am honestly a different person for the better

Cat Totty Coaching


“Having Joel in my corner felt immediately calming and positive.

The format of outdoor walk and talk, followed by the beautiful brainstorming barn were ideal conditions to get the best out of me.

With Joel’s help I got clearer on my bottom line, and am more savvy about the mix of work I do and how I package it.”

“Through his listening and empathy Joel creates a real human connection. This makes me feel supported and ready to walk towards the hard, uncomfortable questions around my business. Something I’ve avoided in the past.

The greatest change from our time together is the new level of confidence I have in all my decision making”

why me?

Hi my name is Joel.

I dream of a future, where those treading the tightrope of running their own business and living their life, can find balance, peace and live in the present moment.

I have walked in your shoes, creating a financially successful business, yet carrying it with me 24/7 in my head. Feeling the weight of responsibility, being lonely and unable to be truly present at home with my family.

That was until I committed to 'living a life designed by me'.

Redefining what success looked like, I was able to plan, structure and create a business that allowed me to work less hours, maintain my income and be in the moment with those I loved.