don’t believe everything you think

How learning to catch and change the stories we tell ourselves can transform us as business owners. Here are 3 practical steps we can take.

Discovering Brené Brown's profound insights on the stories we tell ourselves was a game-changer in my journey as a business owner. Her Netflix special, 'The Call to Courage,' illuminated how our self-protective narratives can also hinder us. As entrepreneurs, we're intimately familiar with these narratives – tales of self-doubt, fear of failure, and imposter syndrome.

Catching ourselves in these unhelpful moments of thought is the first step towards changing them, below are three practical steps to start this process.

1.    Practice Self-Awareness: Set aside dedicated time for self-reflection. Journaling, mindful walks, or other present-moment practices can illuminate your thoughts and emotions. Disconnect from distractions and immerse yourself in the details of your surroundings.

2.    Challenge Assumptions: Actively seek evidence to counter your initial thoughts. For instance, when faced with frustration, imagine alternative perspectives for understanding. Engage mentors and peers to gain fresh insights and reframe your thinking.

3.    Seek Discomfort: Embrace new experiences where uncertainty reigns. Attend an unfamiliar class or take on projects outside your comfort zone. Growth happens when we relinquish control and venture into the unknown.

The benefits for your business are profound:

- Enhanced empathy and leadership skills, fostering a more understanding environment.
- Increased decisiveness and reduced procrastination, leading to quicker progress.
- Embracing failure as a stepping stone to growth and learning.
- Recognizing your progress and charting a clearer path forward for your business.

Now, I challenge you: What's the most absurd limiting story you've told yourself?


the power of tears