the power of tears

Breaking down and crying in front of people I had just met became the catalyst for my journey of growth and self-discovery.

It was 2020 and COVID had just hit, plunging us into lockdown.

During my first Zoom meeting with other business owners, all part of the Vision 20/20 program, our buddy group leader Laurence McCahill asked for a check-in.

Suddenly I found myself unable to hold back tears.

My mind was overwhelmed with fear, worry and stress. I was struggling to articulate my thoughts. I couldn't see a way of generating enough income to pay my staff, and the prospect of having to make everyone redundant was devastating.

The kindness of the group, their willingness to hold space for me and offer support, was exactly what I needed.

Sharing vulnerably and releasing my emotions physically awakened something in me.

It marked the beginning of my journey to overcome my fear of judgement and embrace my authentic self.

I realised the importance of being in an environment and having people in my life where I could present myself with deep honesty, where everything was welcome.

Hearing other people's stories, knowing that we're all facing challenges and the bonds that are formed in togetherness allowed me to feel truly alive.
Sharing myself and holding space for others became second nature, an integral part of my life's ecosystem.

These spaces include the IceBreakers UK community in Brighton that I created and lead, being a continued part of the Happy Start Up School community, and more recently working with clients who are looking for more than just business support - they crave human connection and understanding.

So I'm grateful for those tears.

I bloody love a good cry.

When was the last time you cried?


finding balance


don’t believe everything you think