finding balance

This may sound controversial; there is no such thing as a work life balance for founders and business owners.

This is because many people see this balance as a separation, I’m doing ‘work’ or I am doing ‘life’.

Trading one off against the other, in theory to find the perfect balancing point.

Work and life. They are 2 sides of the same coin. You don't flip one side, without also flipping the other.

As founders, business owners and solopreneurs, both side of this coin are intrinsically linked.

You cannot simply switch off as a human, from the emotions, feelings and energy that happens in one area of life.

What you can do is spend time working on growing and moving forwards in both spaces at the same time.

Discovering that all improvements in work will show in life and improvements in life will positively impact your work.

When I unlocked the understanding, that moving forward in one area alone was limiting my potential, this was the moment I was able to create the life I needed.

Well structured planned and organised business, leads to you being present and connected at home, as it allows you to have confidence in what you are able to control.

Planned time for selfcare, where you recharge and practice being in the moment, allows you to bring energy and ideas to your business, leading your team with empathy and understanding.

Our whole human experience is all too often, divided up, labelled and catagorised – for good reason – but this can limit us in terms of our understanding of the wider impact of the improvements we can make.


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